Solar Energy
Solar SADP Programme
- To create awareness about renewable energy technologies, systems and also to disseminate information on technological developments and promotional activities taking place in the area of the New and Renewable energy.
- The scheme can be implemented in four different categories, depending upon the importance / popularity of the site.
Category I:-
- The location inscribed as World Heritage Sites under Category I as follows:- RajGhat, RashtrapatiBhawan, Presidential Retreat Building at Mashobara, Shimla and Rastrapati Nilayam, Bolarum, Hyderabad, Parliament premises, RajBhavans, and “World Heritage Sites”.
- Central Financial Assistance up to Rs.100 Lakhs per site will be provided for meeting full cost of procurement and installation of systems and devices.
Category II:-
- Places of tourists and religious interest and of national importance. The Category II is made for tourist's places of interest and religious places of national importance. Central Financial Assistance up to Rs.50 Lakhs per site will be provided for meeting full cost of procurement and installation of systems and devices.
- Support for Religious locations with visit of devotees of 10 Lakh/annum or above. Confirmation regarding visits of devotees more than 10 Lakhs / year will be submitted by the state nodal agency as certified by the district collector. The Central Financial Assistance will be considered for 50% support limited to Rs. 25 Lakhs.
- Support for heritage schools / colleges / institutes. Above which are centre of excellence in there field and are operating and have reached heritage status after completing 100 years since there establishment and those who are becoming policy makers / design makers of the country will be considered for 50% support limited to 25 Lakhs / institution.
Category III:-
- Places of tourist and national importance other than covered in category II. Central Financial Assistance up to Rs.25 Lakhs per site will be provided for meeting full cost of procurement and installation of systems and devices.
Category IV:-
- The scheme for National Parks Zoological gardens, Government Science museums, Science cities, collectorates. The scheme will be applicable for places frequented by large numbers of visitors every day. The Central Financial Assistance up to 75% of the full cost of procurement with a maximum support of 10 Lakh. In case of collectorates and district magistrate the CFA will be available 50 % of the project cost limited to Rs. 10 Lakhs.
- Support to tourist locations with tourist visits of 50000/annum or above but less than One lakh/annum. The Central Financial Assistance up to 10 lakhs per site will be provided for meeting full cost of procurement and installations of systems and devices, Annual maintenance charges for five years and agency charges.
- The Scheme for renewable energy systems at roadside eating joints and restaurant. The Renewable Energy Systems are incorporated in this category, this is likely to supplement / replace use of conventional fuels for cooking at these small establishments.
- The Central Financial Assistance up to 50% of the cost for biomass / solar cooking / biogas from kitchen waste / effluent treatment plant / solar hot water system for the Government, State Autonomous bodies, NGOs and up to 25% of the cost in case of private bodies.
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